Legal notice

Legal notice

This website is the property of Yann Martineau, director of Oryzhom, a sole proprietorship registered at the Chamber of Commerce of The Hague under number 54478898, head office located at Prins Mauritslaan 56, 2582 LT 's-Gravenhage, The Netherlands.
VAT number: NL002446632B64
Activity codes:
7112 - Engineers and other engineering design and consulting
9003 - Writing and other creative arts
5811 - Book publishers

The website is hosted by OVH BV - Hogehilweg 16, 1101 CD Amsterdam - Nederland / Netherlands (
The website was developed by Yann Martineau © ORYZHOM 2012-2024.
The present mentions can be modified by Yann Martineau at any time.


Intellectual property

The information provided on the website may only be used for strictly personal purposes. Any use made for commercial purposes or any other purpose is purely and simply prohibited.

In addition, the elements present on our website are protected by the Code of Intellectual Property, treaties and international agreements dealing with provisions relating to the protection of copyright. Thus, any modification, representation and reproduction, in whole or in part, for any use other than private, is strictly forbidden. This prohibition applies regardless of the method of reproduction, representation and/or modification, and regardless of the duration thereof. In general, ORYZHOM shall not be held responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, resulting from the prohibited use of the information or any other element, delivered on the website

The illustrations on the site were produced by ORYZHOM, except for the archival documents presented for which the sources are mentioned.


Data disclaimer

Cookies are only used for statistical purposes to analyze site traffic.

The personal data transmitted to us when an order is placed is recorded in our order management file for the sole purpose of managing our customers' orders. This data will be kept for ten years. We may contact our customers to inform them of our publications and events related to their order.