Les réalisations de C.H. Eckhart pour les Archives de la Maison Royale à La Haye


The works of C.H. Eckhart for the Royal Archives in The Hague

This booklet is the first in a series devoted to the works provided at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth by the Rotterdam steam factory for the design of the mirrors and polychromes, the furniture and decorations for the interior and the like. 'extérieur des bâtiments, avec application de la peinture et de la sculpture, commerce de glaces, verde feuilleté et miroirs français, tissus d'ameublement, etc. etc. C.H. Eckhart.

The living room is enclosed in a specific location of the business C.H. Eckhart contributes to his additional specialties: conception, production and installation of mirrors, furniture, wooden walls, cheminée and ceiling, rideaux, tapis, nappes, suspension and fermentation ferries, lustres , the whole of the ensemble or separation contributes to the decoration of the interior.

The livret traite de la contribution de la manufacture C.H. Eckhart à l'aménagement du bâtiment des Archives de la Maison Royale, construit à La Haye, à proximité du Palais Noordeinde, en 1896-1899, sous la direction de J.P.E. Hoeufft van Velsen, pour le compte de la regent Emma et de la reine Wilhelmine. C.H. Eckhart was a livré le mobile in the office of the director and the room d'étude des visiteurs in 1899, le mobile in the room the lecture of the bibliothèque in 1900 and a supplementary table for the room d'étude des visiteurs in 1904.


The works of the furniture factory C.H. Eckhart is also the occasion to discover a series of amazing places. To appear in the same collection:


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